Here are some of our Featured posts. Hope you have a good read.
महिना: महासङ्ग्राम

महिना: महासङ्ग्राम

ट्य्या…. गर्दै कुदिरहेका दुईपाङ्ग्रेहरूको बिचमा, एउटा मोटरमा गीत घन्किरहेको थियो। कोलाहल र सङ्गीतको पनि कस्तो मिठो समायोजन, सायद गठबन्धनले पो हो कि। यस्तो चर्को घाममा त्यो भिडमा त्यत्रा मान्छे कसरी जान सकेका? सायद घामकै न्यानोपनले पो हो कि। होइन, युवा जोश पनि त हुन...

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  On weekends, I and my best buddy Samir liked to go around visiting the cemetery by the Bagmati river. There’s a burial ceremony every other Saturday with the same ritual. First, the cemetery workers dig a decent-sized hole in a free spot. After an hour or so, hordes...

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PG: In admiration of the storyteller

PG: In admiration of the storyteller

Credit: OnlineKhabar Beneath a white canopy at a building compound on the bank of the Bagmati lay a man of 75, his body decorated with flowers, and garlands - with people flocking around, some in a line waiting to offer flowers and pay the last regards, some gathered...

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यादगार क्षण

यादगार क्षण

 हुलको लर्कोमा गुमेर होला, एकताको रन्कोमा झुमेर होला, किन यो मन चञ्चल भई आज, आकाशमा उडेझैँ फिरियो साझँ।   आफूले झेलेको सम्पूर्ण पीडा, लाई अनायास भुलेर दिए मैले बिदा, थिएन कुनै भय, न थियो कुनै पिर, स्वतन्त्रताको आभासमै घुमे चारै तिर।   देखेर आज फूलेका ती दुई फूल, रम्न...

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Turbulent Model: The Starry Night Approach

Turbulent Model: The Starry Night Approach

It’s safe to say that Starry Night is one of the most recognized pieces of art in the modern era. It is an oil canvas painting by Dutch-Post Impressionist painter, Vincent Willem Van Gogh. He painted it while on his stay at the asylum of Saint-Paul-de-Mausole, near...

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Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0

Collaborating with the Ministry of Industry, Commerce, and Supplies, SOMES (Society of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Students) conducted a program on “Industry 4.0” on Pulchowk Campus on Friday. With the Deputy HoD of Thapathali Campus, Sushant Raj Giri as the...

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