Some Notable Projects

Nepal's first ultralight aircraft

Embarking on a journey of exploration and learning, our robotics team achieved a significant milestone in 2008 with the completion of Nepal’s First Ultralight Aircraft project. Comprising a dedicated group of students, this venture reflects our commitment to hands-on experience and continuous learning in the field of robotics.

We burrowed the name ‘Danphe’ as a homage to the national bird of Nepal. The cost of manufacture of this aircraft was incredibly low(10,000 Euros). A Russian pilot Aleander Maximov flew the plane in it’s test flight which was a massive success.

Mechanizing Extraction of Fiber from Himalayan Nettle

The UNDP-funded project was carried-out in 2016 by DME graduates- Aditya Neupane, Sanjiv Paudel, and Sumit Yadav, with support from undergraduate students. The team competetively bagged the funding of $15,000.00 from UNDP to design, manufacture and install four machines for extraction of fibre from himalayan nettle (called ‘Allo’ in Nepali). The project supported home-grown businesses owned by rural women for fibre extraction, hence supporting rural household incomes.

Currently, the team is installing twenty-one additional Allo fibre extraction machines under the project owenership of the Ministry of Urban Development, Goverment of Nepal.

Chharito Ghar Initiative

In the aftermath of April 2015 Gorkha Earthquake in Nepal, DMAE students underook initiative of building relief shelter for the victims utilizing nothing but available resourses on-site. They were able to design and construct makeshift shelters allowing multiple familes to seek refuge during bleak situation..