Industry 4.0

Collaborating with the Ministry of Industry, Commerce, and Supplies, SOMES (Society of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Students) conducted a program on “Industry 4.0” on Pulchowk Campus on Friday. With the Deputy HoD of Thapathali Campus, Sushant Raj Giri as the main speaker, the program focused on educating students on the Fourth industrial revolution; its effects, and opportunities in Nepal. JB Consultancy provided the required expertise and funding for the event. 

After three prior industrial revolutions each in the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries respectively, the arrival of the 21st gave rise to a fourth one. Industry 4.0 focuses on evolving automated machines into autonomous ones, the difference being that autonomous machines are self-learning and utterly independent of humans. In contrast, automated ones need humans to set them up. The major components of Industry 4.0 are AI, machine learning, smart sensors, cloud computing, and IoT(Internet of Things). With remote surveillance through cloud computing, assessing the market needs through deep learning algorithms, and fault prognosis of machine components through health monitoring sensors, Industry 4.0 promises a higher production rate, better efficiency, and product optimization. 

Most of Nepal’s educated and skilled manpower in the industry sector either stagnate through long unemployment periods, settle for a job unrelated to their core competency or flee abroad in search of a better opportunity. Industry 4.0 can help to fill the gap between the availability and demand of such skilled manpower. 

The Ministry of Industry, Commerce, and Supplies aims to implement Industry 4.0 in Nepal’s agricultural sector first. To boost production rates and cut off the middlemen who cause price hikes, by directly connecting farmers and consumers, Industry 4.0 can help build an optimized Nepali agriculture market. 

The rise of autonomy has started to sprout in Nepal and its industries, among which Hongshi Cement seems to have a better understanding and application of the concept in comparison to its fellow Nepali counterparts. To compete with the global market production and product optimization trend and to have its citizens working in state-of-the-art technology industries, Nepal needs to comprehend, incorporate and implement “Industry 4.0” within its industries.

इन्डस्ट्री ४.०


नविन उपकरण र प्रविधिको विकासले जब विश्वको अर्थतन्त्रलाई छुट्टै मार्गमा परिचालन गर्दै त्यसको बृहत् अभिवृद्धि गराउछ, त्यो फड्कोलाई औधोगिक क्रान्तिको संज्ञा दिईन्छ। जेम्स वाटको वाष्प ईन्जीनको आविस्कार र विश्वव्यापी प्रयोगले १८औ शताब्दीमा मानवश्रमलाई यन्त्रीकरण गरेसंगै पहिलो औद्योगिक क्रान्तिको आरम्भ भयो । विधुतीय  उर्जा र त्यसबाट संचालित ठुलो-उत्पादनका यन्त्रहरुले १९औ शताब्दीमा दोस्रो औद्योगिक क्रान्ति ल्याए । कम्प्युटर र इलेक्ट्रोनिक्सको विकासले जन्माएको स्वचालित यन्त्रका मद्दतले तेस्रो औद्योगिक क्रान्ति विस्तारित भयो । यी तीन  क्रान्ति पश्चात, यन्त्रहरुको स्वायत्त सिकाई (मसिन लर्निङ्ग), कृत्रिम विवेक (आर्टीफिसिअल इन्टेलिजेन्स) र क्लाउड कोम्पुटिंगले २१औ शताब्दीमा सुरुवात गरेको चौथो औद्योगिक क्रान्ति हो – “ इन्डस्ट्री ४.० “

जर्मन सरकारले सन् २०११ तयको आद्योगिक क्षेत्रलाई डिजिटल प्रविधिले आधुनिकरण गरेर उत्पादकत्व को अभिवृद्धि गर्ने प्रयासलाई दिएको नाम हो “ इन्डस्ट्री ४.० ” । इन्डस्ट्री ४.० अन्तर्गत बिग डाटा, डाटा म्यानेजमेन्ट, स्मार्ट सेन्सर, क्लाउड कोम्पुटिंग, I.o.T(इन्टरनेट अफ थिन्ग्स), आर्टीफिसिअल इन्टेलिजेन्स र मसिन लर्निङ्ग पर्दछन ।

कारखानाका जटिल कामहरुलाई इन्डस्ट्री ४.० ले सहजीकरण मात्र गर्दैन, उत्पादन प्रक्रियालाई अप्टिमाइज गरेर उत्पादकत्वको वृद्धि पनि गराउछ। उदाहरणका लागि मेसिन लर्निङ्गको प्रयोगवाट बजारको मागको पूर्वानुमान गरेर सोही अनुसारको उत्पादन गर्न सकिन्छ । डाटा सेन्सरहरुका मद्दतले कारखानाका उपकरणमा आउन सक्ने खराबी र कमजोरीहरुको पूर्वानुमान गरि ठुलो हानीहरुबाट बचाउन सकिन्छ । सम्पूर्ण उत्पादन प्रक्रियालाई इन्टरनेट र क्लाउड कोम्पुटिंगद्वारा घरमै बसेर निरिक्षण गर्न मिल्छ । उत्पादन देखि लिएर वितरण, सप्लाई चेन तथा ग्राहकको प्रतिक्रिया र माग बुझ्न समेत  इन्डस्ट्री ४.० ले मद्दत पुर्याउछ । 

नेपालको सन्दर्भमा इन्डस्ट्री ४.० एक नया पदावली भएर आउदा र धेरै नेपालीहरु एस बिसयमा अविज्ञ भएपनि, यसले नेपालीहरुलाई असर परेको छैन भने भन्न मिल्दैन।  इन्डस्ट्री ४.० का एयाप्लिकेसन हामीले हरेक दिन अनुभव गर्दछौ । हामीले गूगलमा केहि कुरा सर्च गर्यौ भने एक घण्टापछि हामीलाई युटूब र इन्स्ताग्रामले तेसैको एड देखाउछ । यो प्रविधि पनि  इन्डस्ट्री ४.० अन्तर्गत पर्दछ । हामीले चालाउने स्मार्टफोन र स्मार्टवाच सबै  इन्डस्ट्री ४.० का उपकरणहरु हुन् । 

नेपालका उद्योगलाई  इन्डस्ट्री ४.० संग जोड्नका लागि नेपाल सरकार, उद्योग, वाणिज्य तथा आपूर्ति मन्त्रालयले एस बिसयका बिज्ञ र उद्योगका व्येक्तित्वहरु संग छलफलहरु थालेको छ ।  उद्योग, वाणिज्य तथा आपूर्ति मन्त्रालयको पहल र JB कन्सल्टेन्सी को परामर्शमा इन्डस्ट्री ४.० अन्तरगत अहिलेसम्म तिन कार्यक्रमहरु आयोजना गरिएको छ । नेपालका शिक्षित जनशक्ति विदेश पलायन हुने होड चर्किदै गर्दा, उद्योगमा इन्डस्ट्री ४.०को संलग्नताले उनीहरुलाई नेपालमै विदेसीस्तरको  रोजगारी प्रदान गर्न सक्छ। हालको समयमा मन्त्रालयको रुचि रहेको कृषि क्षेत्रमा  इन्डस्ट्री ४.० ले उत्पादन वृद्धि त गर्छ नै, साथै कृषक र बिक्रेता बिचको सम्पर्कदाता बनिदिएर बिचौलियाहरुलाई हटाउन पनि मद्दत गर्छ । 

अटोमेसनबाट अटोनोमीतिर लम्किरहेको विश्वमा नेपालले आफु र आफ्ना जनतालाई अग्रसर पार्नका लागि उद्योग, कृषि, शिक्षा तथा नीतिगत क्षेत्रमा इन्डस्ट्री ४.० लाई बुझेर आत्मसात् गर्न अत्यन्त जरुरी छ।

National Mechanical Engineering Seminar 2020

11th of Magh, 2076

‘National Mechanical Engineering Seminar 2020’ was held at National Academy for Science and Technology. The program was conducted as a pre-event to upcoming 11th National Mechanical Engineering Seminar ‘MechTRIX 2020’. Co-ordinated by Pankaj Mehta side by side with Dipesh Kunwar and Rupesh Dahal, the main motto of this seminar was to provide insights on different topics to young engineering minds. Campus chief, Mr.Laxman Poudel, as a chief guest and SOMES president, Mr. Nabin Raj Chaulagain, as the chairperson, the event was successfully conducted with the active participation of 75+ enthusiastic participants.

Welcoming the chairperson, chief guest, speakers and all the participants, the host for the Sandesh Parajuli, officially started the program. Our first speaker, Dr. Suresh Kumar Dhungel (Senior Technologist and spokesperson at NAST) was very excited to present engineering students about Nano-Technology. Pointing out “Waste isn’t ‘a waste’ until it’s wasted”,Mr. Nabin Bikash Maharjan(CEO, Blue Waste to Value Pvt. Ltd) gave us insight on his company’s projects on waste management through modern technology.

Matching the theme of upcoming exhibition ‘MechTRIX 2020’, For a Better Tomorrow, the foreign speaker, Mr.Joshua Menkie, and his topic of presentation ‘Future Energy System ‘ made the event more profound. Very energetic speaker, Mr. Utsav Prasad Sharma, perfectly explained about safely, hazards and environmental health related to aircrafts. Breaking the monotonous note of only speaking and listening, a Q/A session was held at the end of every speaker. Asking of questions and clearing of doubts made the seminar more interactive and fruitful.

Co-ordinators, speaker, participants, and volunteers along with active support from SOMES members played important role in successful commencement of the event. The first major pre-event also provided us a platform to welcome everyone to MechTRIX 2020. So, book your dates on Magh 24, 25 and 26 and witness the thrill and excitement of MechTRIX 2020. ‘Along with #VisitNepal2020, its #VisitMechTRIX2020.

Event Coverage by Helina Khanal